Over the May bank holiday weekend I joined Richard Bowden from Penguins, to mix audio for the second time for songwriter & producer Rick Knowles' charity event at Home House, London.
The line-up to entertain the 85 select guests this time around included Mel C and Jack Bruce. Yes, the Jack Bruce. And yes, he still is very Rock n Roll.
Next up in June, we provided the production to the J&E Training awards at the Towngate Theatre, Basildon. This event consists of 9 hair collections preceding the awards ceremony, which are part fashion show and part dance show making for a high energy event. This year we decided to utilise a HippoCriter media server to put logo's and visuals onto four screens placed around the catwalk. The effect worked well, adding texture to the stage lighting, showing well the convergence of lighting and video. The Hippo was all run by Wiz on our Chamsys MagicQ console.
A day later finds myself and Gary and young Ben in the Hospital Club London, providing a new format to White Space Productions, for the Launch of 'Jamie Oliver's Home Cooking Skills BTEC'. (more info here). We supplied the AV system for the event, which was a great success for both Edexcel and WS Productions, with a further six regional events rolling during June. The event was also filmed for a DVD that will accompany the course.
To round off that particular week, and whilst Wiz was busy on site for KI at the Essex University Summer Ball, I found myself on a job for Penguins again. EA sports had decided the help launch the new Fifa 2010 World Cup game by having us Brits kick footballs to America from Leicester Square. Entitled 'Balls to the Yanks!' the idea was to twitter a post that was then printed on to a ball and shot at a crowd in the US, their reciprocal posts were printed over here and shot into a busy Friday evening in the square. With a tight time scale to plan the event, and pressures from Westminster Council in regard to event times, Adam Glover and Max Jelfs at Penguins did a great job.
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